Mesamechai Leiv Orchestras is Chicago's premier Jewish Orchestra, performing at simchas for over 30 years. We have performed at over 1800 events in 32 cities spanning across 23 states and Canada. Being geographically located in the Midwest region of the United States, Mesamechai Leiv also performs reguarly at simchas in Milwaukee, Detroit, St. Louis, South Bend as well as many other surrounding cities.
Mesamechai Leiv has performed with many of the top Jewish performers and entertainers: Shmueli Ungar, Shulem Lemmer, Yaakov Shwekey, Avraham Fried, Simcha Leiner, Baruch Levine, 8th Day, Mordechai Ben David, Abie Rotenberg, Lipa Schmeltzer, Dovid Gabay, Benny Friedman, Uri Davidi, Shauly Waldner, Shloime Daskal, Yoni Z, Chaim Dovid Berson, Yonatan Schlagbaum, Shloime Gertner, Shloime Dachs, Mendy Wald, Dedi, Srully Williger, Yeedle, Uncle Moishy, Yeshiva Boys Choir and many more. Mesamechai Leiv has proven to be the preferred vendor for the "New York Music scene" as we provide the quality "up to date" music and sound that they are accustomed to hear on the east coast.
Our name "Mesamechai Leiv" is borrowed from a pasuk in Tehillim. (Psalms 19). We are constantly reminded of our goals to provide the most entertaining and exciting Jewish music in order to "Make the heart happy" to all those present at any given simcha.
Mesamechai Leiv Orchestras is dedicated to infusing genuine simcha into your event. Each one of our professional and experieced musicians take pride in their ability to relay the excitement and feelings through their music. Please feel free to browse the "Videos" section of our site to preview our music.
May we all share in simchas together!